The Switch to attend Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo in Amsterdam

We are thrilled to announce that we will be attending the upcoming Electric & Hybrid Marine expo in Amsterdam on June 18–20. As previous years, our unique DC protection devices are coming back to the stand for you to view along with new quickfire presentations focused on case studies. We kindly invite you also to swing by at our conference presentations to hear more about our cutting-edge technology.

Asbjørn Halsebakke, Senior Manager, Marine Concepts

Ensuring safe huge battery installations for crew, cargo and vessels

Bigger battery systems are being installed on vessels all over the world, which is good. But can we be sure that the potential short circuits behind these huge energy sources are controlled or have even been considered? Solutions have been developed that reduce the potentially high short-circuit levels in marine applications to a level that even the smallest converters can handle. This presentation will discuss the potential short-circuit levels of different battery chemistries and how to reduce the energy introduced to a short circuit to only a small percentage of the energy that looms behind, with a short-circuit current limiter.

Date:  Wednesday 19 June
Location: Exhibitor Presentation Stage – Hall 8
Presentation time: 12:45 – 13:00

Register in advance to receive free entry pass