The Switch and BEMAC at Electric & Hybrid Marine 2024

From June 18–20, 2024, The Switch teamed up with BEMAC at Electric & Hybrid Marine’s 10th anniversary exhibition in Amsterdam to present the company’s new ownership, innovative product range and mission of making the big switch to net-zero emissions at sea.

This year, The Switch’s stand featured vibrant booth design and interactive displays, highlighting the company’s latest products, including DC distribution and battery protection devices. Additionally, The Switch hosted a series of engaging 10-minute Quickfire presentations.

Energy efficiency – a hot topic

For The Switch, the show was a good place to connect with existing customers. It also provided a good opportunity to raise awareness of the company’s product portfolio, demonstrating how it can help shipowners make the switch to net-zero emissions.

“Energy efficiency – specifically, overall system efficiency – is a critical topic nowadays for everyone in the marine industry,” Jussi Puranen, Product Line Director, Electric Machines at The Switch, stressed. “Being present at Electric & Hybrid gave us a good chance to remind the audience that we have proven products that are energy efficient.”

Spot-on presentations

On stage, Asbjørn Halsebakke, Senior Manager Marine Concepts, The Switch, gave a presentation entitled: “Ensuring safe huge battery installations for crew, cargo and vessels.”

“Even the moderator approached me after the presentation to acknowledge that finally someone is looking at the electrical safety on batteries and not only on fire, cooling or thermal runaway. The topic was spot on and created much discussion among the audience,” Asbjørn says.

Good reputation moving toward the future

“It was nice to see that our company and the products we engineer and manufacture have gained a good reputation and credibility,” says Toni Kilpeläinen, Manager, Performance Engineering at The Switch.

“I had an opportunity to also follow an interesting panel discussion about sustainable marine fuels for the future. It seems nobody really knows yet what will be the most widely used fuel to reduce emissions. Still, everyone has come to the same conclusion: changes toward more sustainable shipping are needed and surely coming,” he says.