When solar power plants and wind farms talk to the grid

Vanguard engineers at The Switch, a world-class Finnish company that specializes in machines that transform energy into electricity, have advanced power conversion by making the communication between a wind turbine or solar power plant and the transmission line to which it is connected more effective.

The Switch - Next-generation full-power converter


永磁发电机以稀土为主要原材料,而最近全世界都加强了对于稀土的关注。 据美国审计总署称,中国目前控制了97%左右的稀土材料供应。而这种材料对发展清洁能源技术至关重要。中国的垄断地位将如何影响未来稀土材料的供应?它又将如何影响稀土材料的全球定价?
The Switch - Talking point: Rare-earth Neodymium: An eye on sourcing and pricing