芬兰斯维奇公司,致力于新能源技术,只用不到三年时间安装容量近3,000兆瓦,如今其2010年第一季度新订单金额近 1亿欧元。这家公司成功的秘诀就是率先选定永磁发电机作为其发展方向,如今斯维奇又首先将永磁发电机商业化,并将商业化的永磁发电机介绍给世界领先的风机制造商。传动系统是风机的核心关键设备,斯维奇的传动系统是永磁发电机及全功率变流器的优化组合,正在成为全世界风机制造商的首选产品。
Category: News
Step by step to PMG technology
Move towards better overall system efficiency, higher reliability and higher fault ride-through capability by switching up to permanent magnet generator (PMG) technology.
Visit us at EWEC 2010, booth #4158, and learn more!
Sea Change: Recommendation for off-shore wind farms
Though North America lags Europe on the wind energy front, with less cumulative installed capacity despite a vast geographical size difference, growth is strong and has only scratched the surface. Huge potential, particularly, exists in offshore installations, which represent just a small percentage of global wind capacity to date.
Ocean-based turbines, both floating and fixed, take advantage of powerful, more consistent wind speeds and a topography that doesn’t obstruct wind flow.
斯维奇与您相约EWEC 2010
Join us at EWEC 2010
When: April 20 – 23, 2010
Where: Expo XXI Warsaw International Expocentre, Poland
Visit us at booth #4158!
The Switch is offering the most comprehensive portfolio of permanent magnet generators and full-power converters for future-proof grid compliance and maximized energy yields – any power, any speed.
据了解,舒勒集团目前正在拓展风电市场,该公司与斯维奇公司签署了两套永磁直驱传动系统(The Switch DriveTM)样机供货协议。该系统由永磁发电机和全功率变流器组成,将为舒勒集团度身定做。样机预计2011年4月完成测试,并于同年夏天实现并网运行。
2010年2月25日,万塔,芬兰 – 斯维奇公司与德国舒勒集团签署了两套永磁直驱传动系统(The Switch DriveTM)样机供货协议。协议规定斯维奇公司提供两套定制的3兆瓦永磁直驱传动系统,该传动系统包括了定制优化的3兆瓦的永磁发电机及与其匹配的 2.7兆瓦全功率变流器。
REW video from The Switch USA
RenewableEnergyWorld.com’s Graham Jesmer paid a visit to our facility in Hudson, NH to hear more about our history and find out more about the power converters we’re developing for emerging applications like waste-to-energy.
RenewableEnergyWorld.com的Graham Jesmer访问斯维奇新罕布什尔州哈德森的工厂,Graham Jesmer先生听取了斯维奇的历史及全功率变流器的更多知识。他非常有兴趣地了解了我们的全功率变流器除风电外,亦设计新能源其它新兴行业,如垃圾发电等。
Large-scale production cooperation takes off in China
In summer 2008, The Switch and its Chinese partner Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co. Ltd (DFEM) entered into a cooperation agreement to combine world-class technology in permanent magnet (PM) generators from The Switch with DFEM’s vast production capabilities. According to the contract signed in December 2009, the enterprise will now take off with 2.2 MW wind power generators manufactured in DFEM’s brand-new factory in China.
DFEM recently inaugurated a new factory in Deyang, in the southwest Sichuan Province in China, where it is able to produce up to 2,000 PM generators per year in the range of 1 MW to 6 MW. With this mass production capacity at hand, The Switch and its partnering company DFEM are ready to supply the fast-growing market for megawatt-class PM machines.
2008年夏季,斯维奇与中国合作伙伴东方电机(DFEM)签署了一项合作协议,实现了斯维奇一流永磁发电机技术与东方电机大型生产能力的强强联手。按照 2009年12月签署的合同,企业将开始在东方电机全新的中国工厂生产2.2 MW风力发电机。