Company policies
We believe visible and sustainable movement forward starts with integrity and dedication. That’s why our policies serve continuously as our guide within our partnerships, innovative technology and energy solutions.

Environmental Policy
We are dedicated to the battle against climate change and to preserve the world’s energy resources. To put this dedication into action, our policy is to provide:
- The best approach to new energy solutions
- Techniques that transform untapped energy into electricity
- Products that help reduce carbon emissions
- Production that minimizes the load on the environment
- We use all our resources efficiently
- We use high-quality raw materials
- We provide end-of-life treatment recommendations for our products
- Supply chain that is willing to act in a responsible way
We comply with legislation and are constantly challenging ourselves. We are committed to continual environmental improvement and sustainable development through: environmental programs and objectives, and management principles and performance indicators

Quality policy
We are committed to customer satisfaction – applying the ISO 9001 system and its continuous improvement process effectively.
Our management is dedicated to meet the needs and expectations of all stakeholders –
establishing and maintaining processes that result in top-quality products and services.
We ensure operational excellence – reviewing our processes and working methods continuously.
We meet our customers’ highest quality and performance targets – with products designed and manufactured with the latest technology.
We fulfill customer requirements – with highly skilled and trained personnel.
We maintain quality and on-time deliveries throughout our supply chain.

Occupational health and safety policy
We ensure safe and healthy working conditions – maintaining high work capacity and performance for all employees.
We embrace our responsibility for health and safety at work – actively encouraging and guiding all employees to commit to safe practices in all aspects of their work.
Our goal is zero injuries and illness – upholding employee well-being, work satisfaction and efficiency.
We monitor the work environment – anticipating the impact of upcoming changes and addressing potential trouble areas.
We follow all local laws and regulations – while always striving toward higher standards.
We continuously seek to improve our management of occupational health and safety risks – working to prevent accidents, work-related illnesses and the need for sick leave.

Equality policy
At The Switch, we strive for a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion.
We treat all employees equally – regardless of employment form, gender, age, origin, state of health, beliefs or other personal preferences.
Together, we are committed to fostering a physically and psychologically safe environment in which everyone is treated with respect and individual differences are welcomed.
We challenge ourselves to constantly learn more, improve our ways of working and involve all personnel with equality and non-discrimination.