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Take advantage of unmatched energy efficiency

1.9.2016WeTech, The Switch

Advanced electrical drive trains enable vessels to take advantage of variable speed and full power.

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From the Margin to the Mainstream

1.5.2015Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

The rise of permanent magnet motors and generators

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Attracting optimal efficiency

1.5.2015International Tug & OSV

Tugs and OSVs need to balance commercial viability with environmental standards. Mika Koli from Finnish technology company The Switch writes that permanent magnet technology is one tried-and-tested way to increase efficiency, decrease maintenance, and reduce emissions.

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Permanent magnet drive trains

17.4.2015Maritime Journal

ACCORDING TO FINLAND-BASED propulsion specialist, The Switch, permanent magnet (PM) drive train technology for electric propulsion brings a powerful solution to the big diesel dilemma, which combines tougher environmental considerations with a long-term perspective of increasing fuel costs.

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Permanent magnets offer generation solution

1.2.2015Marine Propulsion

Coupling a permanent magnet shaft generator with a frequency converter can enable vessels to optimise their engine and propeller efficiencies

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Partnerships, not purchases, are key to Chinese growth

1.1.2015Recharge News

The opening chapters of "the China Story" were, to all intents and purposes, one long tale of economical and industrial success, with the occasional narrative twist. The process that began nearly 40 years ago was turbo-charged at the beginning off the millennium has delivered unprecedented prosperity to millions.

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2014 in Review Permanent Magnet Machines

7.12.2014The Maritime Executive

Permanent magnet machines have already made their mark in the offshore wind industry, bringing increased reliability and efficiency.

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The Switch lähtee merta päin


TUULIVOIMA / Kestomagneettigeneraattoreita ja tehonmuokkaima valmistava The Switch haluaa laajentaa meritekniikkaan.

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Make The Switch

1.1.2014Inside Marine

Following its success in the renewables sector, The Switch is making its permanent magnet and frequency converter solutions available for marine applications.

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Any power, any speed

1.1.2014PES Wind

As President and CEO of The Switch, Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen heads-up one of the industry's most pioneering companies. With a focus on drive train technology for renewable and industrial applications, the organisation is highly visible in the solar, marine and - of course - wind sectors.

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Game-changing permanent magnet solutions

1.10.2013Electric & Hybrid Marine Technology International

Soaring fuel prices, global overcapacity and lower profit margins are opening the way for advanced technologies that revolutionize the way ships generate and use energy.

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