In the January 2021 issue of Motorship, Stevie Knight interviews Dr Jussi Puranen to find out about the latest advances in permanent magnet technology for shaft power. Read the full article starting on Page 12.
Category: News
Marine webinar: Building the ships of the future
In this 45-minute webinar, Asbjørn Halsebakke presents how to build ships for the future. You will learn how you can fulfill current regulations and comply with future environmental challenges.
Electric & Hybrid Marine presentations
Asbjørn Halsebakke participated in this year’s Electric & Hybrid Marine Virtual “Live” event, presenting our Poseidon Power offering and focusing on the DC-Hub for building the ships of the future.
The two “greens”
An interview with Asbjørn Halsebakke is featured as one of the lead stories in Baltic Transport Journal’s winter issue.
Change is coming
Maritime Journal’s November issue presents “Change is coming,” profiling Asbjørn Halsebakke’s as the man from The Switch.
SPS Connect: The digital gathering for the automation industry
SPS – Smart Production Systems – is happening digitally this year. Now is a great time to learn more about the latest developments in technology.
Get your FREE ticket here.
SPS Connect – der digitale Branchentreffpunkt
SPS – Smart Production Systems – wird dieses Jahr digital veranstalltet. Wir freuen uns auf den digitalen Austausch mit Ihnen! Hier registrieren und ein Ticket sichern!
The Switch’s role at Green Energy Port in Japan
The Switch permanent magnet generators are featured in a video showing Japan’s integrated center of the offshore wind power industry in the Hibikinada area of Kitakyushu City.
Taking action on green shipping
Yaskawa Environmental Energy / The Switch is one of four companies in Norway to push green shipping forward by taking action in the Norwegian Catapult’s program to develop test centers.
Shipyards miss a trick in focusing on the upfront price of ships
In the latest TradeWinds from September 23, Asbjørn Halsebakke urges shipbuilders to look beyond capex to achieve long-term opex and sustainability.
The Switch’s lead story in EME Outlook
Yaskawa Environmental Energy / The Switch is featured as one of the lead stories in the latest EME Outlook magazine, one of the largest and most respected business publications in the Europe and Middle East region.
A historical day for our Large Drive Test Center
August 26 marked a huge next step for our Large Drive Test Center in Lappeenranta. The first factory acceptance test for three marine permanent magnet (PM) shaft generators started off.