Our fiscal year is not the calendar year. Instead, it runs from March 1 through the end of February, as is typical for many Japanese companies. The Japanese new year starts with the blossoming of cherry trees. Similarly, our business has been flourishing, too. Our revenue has grown and our profitability improved during the past fiscal year.
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Switching on frequently 04/2018
As the calendar year comes to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on what the year has brought our way.
Switching on frequently 03/2018
When I visited China Wind Power 2018 a few weeks ago, I was pleased to see how the offshore wind business was taking off. Products are being developed in China for upcoming 8 to 10 MW turbines, and the technology of choice seems to be either direct-drive or medium-speed permanent magnet generators.
Switching on frequently 02/2018
Summer has come to Finland, with some of the warmest and sunniest days we’ve had for a few years. So we’re preparing to enjoy the abundant light and renew our energy, spending time to reflect on upcoming developments and our journey ahead.